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Consommons Congolais FEBRUARY 2022

En promotion : • Balkonie Restaurant Bar & Grill • Jovika Magic Ginger

Available at Bonjour Waffles (Wheaton Mall)

Let us support them as much as we can!

Buy, Like, Share, ... Bana CCWM, Let us support and encourage our Congolese entrepreneurs and businesses! Give thumbs up, like & share this post. Spend some money by buying from them. Give them honest reviews and feedback. John Kavyavu CCWM Business & Entrepreneurship Dept. Head Coordinator Bana CCWM, Soutenons et encourageons nos entrepreneurs et entreprises Congolaises! Donnez un coup de pouce, aimez, partagez ou publiez. Dépensez un peu de votre argent en achetant chez eux.

Donnez-leur des critiques et des commentaires honnêtes. John Kavyavu

CCWM Département Affaires & Entrepreneuriat Coordonateur en Chef

Balkonie Restaurant :

Jovika Magic Ginger Bulk order: 301-750-1672 For more information 1-800-404-4238

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