CCWM's Independent Electoral Commission recently shared the criteria list and the eligible voters list for this year elections.
It is now easy to Register online to be eligible to vote and here's how to do it:
If you are new to CCWM, to vote you must first fill out the CCWM's New Member's Application form available on the New Member's page. To complete the registration process, you must pay $20.00 ($10.00 one time application fee + $10.00 voting right fee) and select your membership category.
If your CCWM Membership is up-to-date, meaning that all your monthly contributions are paid, you are automatically eligible to vote.
If you haven't paid your monthly contributions for more than 3 months, you must pay the $10.00 voting right fee to be eligible to vote. Regulation of your CCWM Membership balance can be completed by contacting the Executive Committee.
Visit the CCWM ELECTIONS page for more information about this year's elections and eligibility criteria or contact the IEC at : info@ccwmusa.org Toll-Free 1-800-404-4238
The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC)
Rachel Lokanga, PhD
Jean Jean Mbuyamba
Kurz Ndandu (Secretary)
Tekele Ghonda (Examiner)
Melly Ntalu (Examiner)
Ayo Jean Louis Mafema (Examiner)
Ester Kiala (Examiner)
Images from the CCWM ELECTIONS 2022 at the Candidates presentation on December 11th 2022, at the Casey Community Center.
CCWM is a registered non-profit organization (501c3) which aims to unify the Congolese Diaspora in the Washington Metropolitan Area aka The DMV. We encourage collaborative support of the community by dynamic actions rooted in the traditions of the Congo.
Get involved!
The election process returns every two years to allow for new candidates to be presented to the CCWM members to select the administration for the new mandate. This is a perfect time to join the organization and discover our projects and activities.
Newly registered CCWM members can instantly take part in various operations, bring ideas to the general assembly, and even seek for an elected position at following elections.
Joining during this period helps to understand our reality and the challenge that awaits the next generation of CCWM leaders.

The CCCC Project
(Also known as "La Maison Congolaise)
(Congo Cultural & Community Center)
The main project of our organization is the construction of a Congolese community center commonly called La Maison Congolaise, or the CCCC, for Congolese Cultural & Community Center. An ongoing fundraising campaign collecting donations and pledges is underway and the Congo House Commission is working relentlessly to gather resources and expertise in order to complete the project as soon as possible. All members can donate directly on the CCWM's website, on the CCCC GoFundMe page and at various fundraising events all through the year. Our members also share the link on social media to attract donations from Congo lovers around the globe.

CCWM is home for All Congolese of the DMV D.C. Maryland & Virginia
The Washington Metropolitan area (DMV) is home for a significant quantity of Congolese families, college students and highly qualified professionals who join CCWM to contribute in the pursuit of its mission. We also count many individuals in need of help for various reasons such as unemployment, the lack of knowledge about local resources or simply to integrate the community when arriving in our beautiful region.
The first and most important benefit of registering as active member of the CCWM is your concrete participation to the growth of the organization dedicated to our fellow Congolese and the future generations.
Further benefits include access to a support system built by solid relationships among our Congolese community which serves our people experiencing the challenges of life.
Discounts at Congolese businesses listed by the CCWM's Business & Entrepreneurship Department are also part of the benefits being created for all active CCWM Members.
We also recently developed our official website (www.ccwmusa.org) to provide Members-Only resources accessible logged into your Member's account with your user name and password created at registration.
On the eve of its 10th anniversary the CCWM continues to develop its structure and its departments in order to serve more and more Congolese living in the Washington Metropolitan area. The rules that govern our organization are constantly evolving and thus new benefits to members may be added during the year.
Welcome to CCWM !